Seminar is method of conveying message to customer that require careful preparation. Here are steps that make sure your seminar will be more attentive.
In this article VietnamEvents will give you all the tips to make critical impact in any seminars. The key is you have to clearly about what you want to achieve from these events and try to be an expert as much as possible.
To every who attends the event you will have to ensure every element of the event is toward your audience.
1. Decide the topics
You will be in charge of choosing the theme. There are loads of events on the day, so it makes sense to focus heavily on your concept, your audience will demand something more different.
2. Do your research
It’s is essential to research idea before you make any important decision. Spend time to make sure that what your audience want, how many people will be shown up. Survey your potential audience to know whether they would come to your events and what kinds of content we want to convey to your events.
3. Choose a venue
Venue is quite important aspect of any event. You will need to know how many people will attend your seminar through your research before.
You probably need an extra seat for your attendees but too many empty seat will fail your effort. So choosing venue wisely to have successful seminar that impress audience.
You even have to limit the attendance so that we will use scarcity marketing to create buzz and get people excited about your events.
4. Book some good speakers
Good speakers will attract more audience to your seminar. If you’re enthusiastic about your speakers the attendees will be too. Think about who your audience want to see by surveying them on this. Great speakers will contribute greatly to your events, seminars or conferences.
5. Planning
You’re putting your reputation on the line by running a seminar. You don’t want to make impression to your clients that you make a lame seminar. The secret to avoid that is to plan what you’ve never planned before.
Think of every possibilities, what will you do if there’s a power cut or your projection screen don’t work? What if your keynote presenter have congestion?
Sit down and arrange a clear schedule for everything you need to do – with strict deadline. Think about everything including accommodation for guests to transportation …
6. Approach sponsors
Hiring a venue cost money so you may want to include the cost of food and printing documents within the ticket price. This might prevent people from attending.
The only solution is get sponsor for your event. But you’ll will find it easier to keep the expense low and you may invite more influencing speakers to attract more attendees. You might want to approach sponsor who want:
• To reach an audience of people likely to buy their product/service
• To reach important people within your niche
• To have confidence that the event will be well attended
• Also, think about what you can offer them. Consider the following:
• Their logo on all presentation slides
• The opportunity for a representative to introduce speakers
• A stall where they can sell their product/service
• Banners and adverts
• The chance to provide a meal, drinks or quiz prizes
Once you have considered clearly these factors, it should be quite easy to find partners to be interested and willing to fund you with the needed amount of cash. Your seminar will sastify even the toughest guests.
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