Currently, on the market, there are countless products released every day, but not everyone knows it. That is why you need an impressive product launch to boost your products. But how to have an impressive product launch, bearing the mark of a production unit? Here VietnamEvents will provide you with notes for an impressive product launch script for businesses.
Define the Concept and Theme of the product launch script
The concept means the main idea, is the brain that runs along with the product launch event. Once you've shaped a key idea. It will be easier for you to conceptualize the design, decoration, program layout, and entertainment construction.
The theme is considered the appearance, decoration, color, and layout of the ceremony. It can be understood that Concept is the backbone. Child ideas are ribs. The theme is the skin. Thus, the theme is visual, visible outside, eye-catching participants. The concept is to pass on what happened at the ceremony to make the attendees feel it.
In addition, you should also pay attention to details such as the sound and lighting of the ceremony.
Beauty products need soothing music background.
And vice versa, if the product is a phone or a car, it needs exciting music.
The lighting of the event should also match the theme of the product. That is why defining the Concept and Theme of the product launch event is the most important step.
Read more: Design a professional stage for a product launch with VietnamEvents
The venue and time for the product launch script
The venue of the product launch should also depend on the concept. You can choose from indoor or outdoor venues.
Indoor locations include hotel halls, large conventional centers, or restaurants ...
Outdoor locations are tourist resorts, on the river or boat, campus ...
In addition, you can choose other venues such as libraries or museums; with products such as books, intangible products such as culture or history.
You should note that in addition to choosing the right venue for the event, you also need to consider the weather forecast, the number of attendees. The launching event of a new product should not be held on a rainy or very sunny day. And also can not be overloaded or sparse because the number of customers is wrong.
Regarding the time, an event too short is not enough to make a mark with attendees. An event that is too long can be boring. The best time should be between 90 minutes and 180 minutes.
The script of the new product launch ceremony in the selection of MC, Attendee, Guest
The MC should have 2 people, 1 male, and 1 female to make the scene of the product launch more animated; more communicative.
Any product should have an Ambassador - understood as the face of the brand. If you get your own brand ambassador, your product will be easier to gain the public's interest. Because when it comes to ambassadors, people will remember their brands and products. Ambassadors are a must-have in the new product launch events.
If a product launch event has many celebrities, it will definitely create a crowd effect and attract more media. After selecting the brand ambassador; you also need to consider guests who influence the public and have certain things in common with the product. For example, when launching a new brand of milk tea, it is impossible for the guests to be the elderly.
Any product launch event will have entertainment and performance mixed with product introduction to avoiding boredom and monotony. The performances here can be singing, dancing, and circus performances. If the program concept has been identified. Then the stage of selecting the performance will be easier for you.
During the product launch event, there should also be a game program or product experience. Such as for the customer to try the product (for products like cameras or cars). Then the product experience is essential. So that attendees can interact with the product. For customers to give reviews for products directly and quickly. Their chances of becoming customers will be higher.
Read more: Schedule of the product launch event by VietnamEvents
Create a campaign to encourage buying in the script of organizing new product launches
In addition, you can also take advantage of the product launch event to encourage customers to buy products. Make products that are differentiated and limited in quantity. For example, the phone has a name engraved for the first 50 buyers, a 20% discount for the first 50 cameras, 100 books signed by the author…
The bottom line
Above are important notes for an impressive product launch script for businesses. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via website chatbox or hotline +84.918.640.988.
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