The webinar will be a great tool to help businesses make online seminars anytime or anywhere, connecting guests easily and more professionally than ever! To have a successful webinar, we will need a clear and detailed webinar agenda. Thus, let’s check out how to prepare a webinar agenda with VietnamEvents.
Learn about Webinar
What is Webinar?
A webinar is a combination of 'web' + 'seminar'. A Webinar is an engaging online event, a webinar or video conference (or presentation) that uses the internet to connect with a large audience around the world. There, the audiences will participate by submitting questions, answering polls, and using the interactive tools available on the webinar tools.
Outstanding features of Webinar
Screen and webcam sharing: Make it possible for attendees to see all of the presenter/speaker/group of speakers and presentation content.
Unlimited space: With an internet platform, Webinar can allow many people to attend regardless of space or location.
Easy interaction: Webinar helps presenters/speakers/groups of speakers and participants easily interact with each other through live chat and microphone chat.
Create polls and surveys: Allows your audience to ask questions and participate in surveys and polls, it's a way to keep audience engagement and interest throughout the seminar.
Record and edit video: Webinar allows recording and can be edited later to clarify information and more vivid.
Type of Webinar
Live Webinar: This is a real-time seminar to help businesses and individuals interact more easily with the audience, they can ask and receive feedback immediately.
Recorded Webinar: This is a Webinar that was recorded, pre-built, and then played back. This makes it impossible for attendees to interact at the moment, but the highlight here is that we can conveniently watch it over and over again.
How to write a webinar agenda?
Prepare the topic in advance
To start your webinar agenda, you should plan the date and time of the webinar in advance. Your target audiences and guests might have a busy schedule, then a prior notice will help them the best preparation.
Choose webinar tools, equipment
If you want to create a presentation with high quality, then you have to choose a good webinar tool. You can choose a webinar tool based on the expected amount of participants. Your webinar agenda should also have the methods of interaction with clients and the details of the webinar tool. Besides webinar tools, equipment that helps to record, or receive and transmit your audio and visual images. VietnamEvents always ready to support webinars as well as other virtual event equipment and tools.
Start writing a webinar agenda
Now, let’s start to write the agenda script template for yourself. Then rehearse it for two-three times with the webcam on.
The important points that you should focus on:
Switching between the speakers
Process of taking a poll
The procedure of sharing audio, video, and files during the webinar happens.
Invitation and Agenda
The invitation to the webinar should contain an outline that is going to be covered during the webinar to write a meeting agenda. The invitation should cover the time of the webinar and the key points of the topic. Make yourself as clear as possible while creating the webinar agenda. The participants should receive short and clear information to determine if the webinar will be useful to them or not.
Design the presentation
The online presentation which is entertaining and informative will help a lot of people to be able to get attracted to it and will listen to it properly. Send some of the information to the participants before the live webinar.
Webinar follow-up
While making the agenda, this is the first point that you should add. The whole point of hosting the webinar and forming up the agenda is the things that will be received and taken away by the participants after it. If it is a webinar for selling and promoting products or joining a particular company or increasing your social media interaction, the action will need to be taken. Therefore, inform the attendees about the preceding meetings as well.
The bottom line
Preparing the webinar agenda is the necessary step in organizing a webinar. Hope that piece of information that VietnamEvents’ post has provided, you can have an overview of how to write a webinar agenda. If you have further questions about organizing an online event, feel free to contact VietnamEvents for help.
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