1. What is LED screen?
The LED screen is a video screen that functions like a regular TV, but the LED screen plays images and videos with a much lower resolution than a TV. But in return for the resolution it can have very large size up to 1000m2, which is due to the ability to install LED display modules serially. Technology used in led screens is light-emitting diodes technology, there are two types of led panel form LED screen: using small moudles linked into large led screens or large led panels mounted on SMD surface in monolithic formwith different sizes on the Cabinet standard.
2. Main concepts
Pixel (pixel): is the smallest unit of the screen
Pitch: the distance between two consecutive center points, usually in mm
Pixel configuration: is the layout of LED bulbs on 1 pixel: 2R1G: on 1 pixel with 2 red LEDs (red), 1 green LED (green)
Resolution (resolution): is the screen size in pixels (800x 600 pixles: screen is 800 pixels wide and 600 pixels long)
Display section size: is the size of the information display section, not including the frame
Screen size: The size of a led screen can be interpreted to include the entire size of the leds combined with the screen frame.
3. Type of LED screens
We will have different types of LED displays. For technical details, distinguish between 2 lines of P.10 led module is the distance from 2 led points which are 10mm similar to P.16, the distance from 2 led points is 16mm. Module leds have different sizes but framed in some standard sizes to match the standard Cabinet lines such as 196mx96mm, 160mmx160mm, 256mmx256mm, 320mmx320mm, 304mm x 152mm, 244mmx122mm, 288mmx244mm. Currently classified as follows:
• Led module 1 color:
Indoors: P.7.62, red, P.10 red
Outdoors: P.7.62 in red, P.10 has different colors: red, white, yellow, green, blue.
• Led 3 colors:
Indoor & outdoor: P.4.75, P.7.62, P.10, P.12, P.16, P.20
• Led module full color:
Indoor & outdoor: P.2.5, P.3, P.4, P.5, P.6, P.7.62, P.10